Technology uses bleeding-edge virtualization technologies to deploy many virtual router instances on bare metal. We deploy servers in key availability regions so users may reach their virtual networks without latency or performance penalties.

The technology behind the UI is relatively simple – KVM virtual machines with OpenWRT stripped to a bare minimum
This creates an isolated network environment for your devices or endpoints which is both secure and highly customizable.
Our key proposition though is simple, fast and pre-set instrumentation so users deploy instances within minutes and do not care about uptime or hosting.

QEMU/KVM virtual machines

This is the core for every virtual router. Provides a GNU/Linux kernel with all the networking tools at disposal.


OpenWRT is an embedded GNU/Linux distribution built for network devices of multiple types. OpenWRT provides the tools to manage your internal network and devices with unmatched flexibility and robustness.


Every virtual router comes with WireGuard server enabled and pre-configured clients. It is the secure incoming channel to your virtual network.


Every virtual router comes also with an OpenVPN server enabled and pre-configured clients. The OpenVPN protocol is heavier, but provides more features for advanced network configurations.

Laravel UI

Our custom-built Laravel UI provides an easy way to manage your virtual networks. We implement OTP authentication via e-mail so user registration is instant.

API (coming soon) is suited to every usage pattern. Every setting is reachable via API and may be configured programmatically.


If you have any questions or suggestions, use the contact form below to get in touch